ÔN THI LÁI XE + Mẹo dễ học

by ChanLe



Application to support self-study, review, tips for learning driving theory for classes: A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, C, D, E, F✅ ✅ ✅ There are special notifications to remind you to review and remind you of exam dates★★★ Includes 600 driving theory test review questions:• 60 questions about serious traffic unsafe situations (highlight questions)• 166 sentences Road traffic concepts and rules• 26 sentences Transport operations• 21 questions Driver culture and ethics• 56 questions on driving techniques• 35 questions Vehicle structure and repair• 182 sentences Road signs• 114 questions Solving traffic situations and skills in handling traffic situations★★★With memorization tips and diagrams to guide the exam★★★★★★Utilities★★★• Explain types of road markings• Explain the types of indicator lights on car dashboards